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Goddess Lilith 12th Moon
Primal energies & power

Completion of a perfect and harmonies unit. Creating a whole, balancing space and time and bringing cosmic order.
Time: Fall
Spirit Animal: Dragon
Herb: Turmeric
Surrounded in mystery, she is a symbol of female force and authenticity. The dark Goddess, queen of the night, mother of evil spirits with wild and dangerous sexuality that brings terror and chaos.
Demonized for being feared as she stands tall as a symbol of freedom and choice. The one who won’t submit. The original, the first to lead many awakening their creative uncontrolled power.
Strong and independent, she reminds us we are all equal and we deserve the same importance. Lilith calls us to cast out of our lives what suppressing us. She invites you to stand next to her for you will never ever be alone.


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