
Black 3 Hecate.jpg

3rd Moon
Imagination, Strength & Magic

Symbolizes Strength, Determination, and Decision-Making. It reminds you to keep moving forward despite the fears or emotions that can get in the way. Use it as an inspiration to unleash your creative passion and finish your goals. Commit to action.
Time: Rough Nights
Spirit Animal: Black Hound
Herb: Juniper
Goddess: Hecate
The goddess of magic and sоrcery, the eeriness of the night and the majestic moon.
The dark Goddess of Transformation. The guardian of crossroads, she demands you to make choices. For good and bad exist in you, and you must choose whether love or fear will rule you.
She demands you must be fearless. She is offering you her power for she is the weaver of time and the teacher of mysteries that will not be ruled.
She is the womb from which all things are born. She is the Truth, the Healer of all wounds.
She makes the weak stronger and illuminates the power within you to become who you wish


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